Tuesday, April 26, 2011


This blog was created as an off-shoot of the Facebook version of Canadian BraveHeart Women Community with Serene Promotions (TM); which was created as an off-shoot of the Ellie Drake BraveHeart Women Global Community; which was created because I was not able to organize and administer a regional community with-in the BHWGC due to financial considerations (the one shortcoming of Ellie's platform is that one must be a CORE member in order to create a community -- at a cost of $27 per month -- which I just simply can not afford at this time). The reason I have expanded into the Blogger platform with the Canadian Facebook group is because I find this application has more flexibility for the direction I want to take with this on-line community.

Regardless of my financial incapability to become a CORE member, I feel I have something to offer fellow Canadian women. Because of the unique and awesome cultural, economic and regional diversity in Canada, I feel it is important that the Canadian BraveHeart Women Community reflects the vastness of our country, and the unique lifestyles that develop out of that vastness.  Judging by the response the Canadian Facebook group has generated, there does indeed seem to be a desire for Canadian women to connect on this level. So until some one says I can not continue on in this manner, I intend to keep developing the group that has emerged, under the auspices of Ellie's BraveHeart Women umbrella, as per the fire in my belly that being a member of Ellie's site sparked! I hope all the members that joined and are active on the Facebook group page will migrate and join as Followers on this site as well. Let's unite and be Inspiration in Action.