
both the enterprise and the blog 

Copyright 2011
(under development) 

and the

on Facebook

These are my passions. I have spent the past two years searching, studying, contemplating and writing. These entities are the result.

I first heard the terms critical mass and synchronicity in the book, The Celestine Prophecies (Redfield, 1993). At the time, a few freaky co-incidence's stirred my curiosity (the most telling of which was a man approaching me and saying, "Some people look, other people SEE."), but I was still far too busy with the outer persona to pursue any kind of inner journey.

However, I am no longer able to ignore the many, many synchronistic occurences that nudge my soul.They are a call, and I am hearing it. Nowaday's they refer to critical mass as The Shift, and people who hear the call as Way-Seers.

However it is referred to, or thought of, does not really matter; but I do believe that the world is on the brink of a major event that will change life for all of us. Will it be cataclysmic? I don't believe it has to be. It could be, but in my soul I feel that we have an opportunity to avoid what could happen and replace it with what should happen!

At any rate, my needs and desires in life at this point are to:

1) Earn a salary that allows me to live comfortably and start saving for a worry-free retirement (I know, I know.....at this late date I finally woke up to the realization that if I don't, I may just be doddering around looking for pop-cans when I join the ranks of the retired;

2) Find a way to satisfy my need to write and be read, and to share what my "daily digging around" unearths, with other people who are seeking Light in the darkness

3) Fulfil a personal vow I made to assist single-parent, "second-chance" re-entry students in their educational endeavours;

4) Encourage, assist and support, in any way I can, other women who want to realize their dreams of becoming a self-employed entrepreneur;

5) And create a network of like-minded individuals who are feeling, realizing, and acknowledging the same things I am, so that we may manifest together a powerful and abundant Grace.

I am gratedul to all those who have responded on any one of the various paths that the wonder of the internet has allowed me to create. I find your support and feedback invigorating and encouraging and I hope my response to you all has the same effect!